Monday, February 22, 2016

DHI? There is no DHI.

So why does the world famous Wikipedia the online encyclopedia not list DHI as a method of transplanting hair??

The truth is that there is no DHI. DHI is a pure marketing tool to take as much money as possible form the foolish. The method they use is FUE. they have a tool that can be bought wholesale in China for $0.10 (10 cents). That is it. Most clinics don't use the plastic tool because it takes little training to use BUT you cant place hair close together that's what Dr Bosley form the world famous Bosley hair clinic told me anyway!!! So the density is low. So the results are poor. Look at this fellow. Some actor called Suraj Mapa who is the poster boy for DHI Sri Lanka. If you look at his photos closely you will see the poor results from this DHI. How much did it cost? Rs 400,000 (4 Lakhs). What a waste ot money!!!

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